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Relevance of your dreams and aspirations? A Thoughtful Quote and 6 Key takeaways

March 07, 2022


May be they are much more than just desires

Childhood and Dreams

When I was small I always wanted to be a Pope. I found him to be a very charismatic and inspiring public figure.

If you asked me as a child what I wanted to become it would be one of the answer you would hear from me. But it upset me to learn that Pope's remains a celibate (Imagine as a kid thinking gosh I won't have a wife, Lol!)

Over the years I have wanted to choose a lot of interesting professions. As one matures you settle for a profession and you settle into it as its a practical option. I have been content with Educating students on Management and Soft Skills, but exploring other opportunities have been a blessing.

Your Inner Map

                            Use your dreams and aspiration to get yourself a good start

I have looked at my Dreams and aspirations as some kind of inner map. It has personally helped me find my purpose and put things into perspective for example, understanding my purpose and my profession.

I think we must own our dreams and aspirations while others share their insights and critiques. They are living their own reality and you got to own yours.

We can share our vision with others. But it is left to us to understand its relevance and how it makes a difference. Making a difference does involves you; and how it impact others too. 

The tendency becomes to only focus on ourselves and the immediate benefits. Modern culture encourages a tendency for quick gratification which may not be totally realistic.

Importance of Being focused

Focus requires a Target, Read more

What happens if we fail; it affects us or may be even demotivate us. But it doesn't have to be like that. I think failing is normal and is a part of the process.

Personally I have caught myself focusing on too many things. They all look attractive and fine. But I think the trick is to focus on a few things. May be 2 or 3 things or ideas that holds your focus.

When we do not focus we have nothing to measure our actions or successes against. This can be both a fruitless and demotivating experience. 

We have not allowed ourselves to get into gear to put our plans to work. We have just been caught up with the novelty and attractiveness of new ideas. If we just put the same efforts into succeeding in a few things it would take us a long way.

Some Key Takeaways

I think there are some key takeaways we can remember:

  1. You must own your goals
  2. Achieving your goals make you and others happy
  3. Goals require proper work and focus
  4. Strong focus is essential, focusing on everything is like focusing on nothing
  5. Measure your progress
  6. Don't focus on the shiny objects only.
There are could a laundry list of things I could put here, but I think in my experience these 6 key points is something that I found to be important.

In Conclusion

Working with people and hearing their stories about their achievements it teaches one a lot. If you feel that people don't believe in your dreams, try winning them over. I have learnt that a lot of times it is about getting a one more supporter than less. 

We should sell the idea to ourselves and others too besides getting the focus right and working our plans.

Wish you a Happy Journey. Do drop a comment and Let us know what goals you are working on. May be you are starting a business or trying to lose weight.

Let us know how its working for you and what resources have helped you. Join the conversation on our FB Page.


Conducting an Online Class Without a Computer; How Mobile Apps Helped Me Save My Work?

September 22, 2021

How to take an online class without a Computer?

 I didn't choose to write this article, The situation I was in actually was instrumental in making this happen.

Past Few days, There has been something amazingly crazy going on. My Laptop just stopped working, Then my wife's laptop had a problem.

Since then I have been working from a Phone and my wife from a Tablet. Working from a computer has been a luxury, lol!

But I must say thanks to a few products and apps it was possible.

I used some Resourcefulness and my Android powered phone did the rest.

As an Educator, We need to work with different materials and present to students.

With classes going online, it has also become about technology.

Taking classes on a Computer, gets a lot of details organized.

While in an online Classroom, We use whiteboard software, video conferencing application and whole host of apps to make the Lecture possible.

I thought of sharing a few tips and recommending a few apps to make things easier.

5 Apps that help take an amazing class on my phone:

1. Video Conferencing application:

I personally prefer Google Meet over Zoom. I believe both have their benefits.

But I prefer Google Meet because it makes it easy to send out emailers for classes.

It integrates with Gmail and Jamboard easily this makes it a comfortable experience.

User experience is good and there are less distractions. Zoom also has its benefits.

Both work well from the phone. The user interface is easy to use and works seamlessly in my estimation.

2. Graphic Design tools:

There are a lot of photo editing and Graphic designing tools.

I just prefer Canva. It is not a photo editing tool, but its mobile application is really powerful.

It has features and templates that can help you create a beautiful presentation for class.

I used Canva for my presentations and for creating posts for Social media.

The Pro version has many great features.

3. Time Management Tools:

I use Remember the Milk and Trello along with other Google applications.

The mobile apps are really convenient and simple to use. As an Educator, it is important to keep track of various activities.

Time management mobile apps can really make working without a Computer manageable.

4. Quizzing Software:

Online Classes require engagement. Students have to be present online for longer durations than previously required.

I use Quizizz for creating Quizizz for my Students along with Jamboard. I didn't use the mobile application but the website adapts easily to the phone.

It is a great resource for online classes

5. Connectivity Tools:

WhatsApp, Gmail app etc. are some apps we take for granted, but believe me they are really awesome.

It makes sharing files and other resources easy with students and parents.

I thank these companies for creating and maintaining such amazing services.


I would like end by thanking all these amazing companies for such simple and powerful products they create.

I think more than money it also about serving and helping a lot of people.

The mobile phone we use everyday is a very powerful instrument and can be used to create amazing experiences.

Though some of these points may seem obvious, But I wanted to bring out the potential everyday objects and applications we use have.

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Motivational Quote: Is it okay to wait and do nothing? Does it help?

September 13, 2021


Doing nothing can be something (Something fruitful)

G.K Chesterton is a very insightful and well respected Thinker. He would put forward the most complex ideas into simple and insightful thoughts.

I must confess I have not read everything he has written. I usually read because I learn something from it and It spurs my thinking and imagination to help me grow better.

I used to never believe in Destiny or Luck, After a lot of horrible experiences (Which everybody goes through) it helped me realize the importance of doing nothing.

I don't believe in Luck still, But it made me think about situations that are difficult to deal with and with no possible solutions.

We can feel crippled by this and even have life ending situations. I think if you are feeling suicidal, Please seek help from a licensed Mental Health professional.

Personally, I have learnt that it is important to accept certain things the way it is. Some things can't change, but we change the way we deal with it.

Waiting and giving time to certain plans may cause you to lose certain opportunities but it can also open up your thinking to new potential ideas and realities.

When we choose to do nothing, we are actually choosing to pay attention to other things. We give a certain amount of control to Destiny or Luck.

We allow ourselves to focus on choosing our struggles and dealing with what is important. Even no action is a choice and a Strategy.

If this thought resonated with you, Do join the discussion on my Facebook Page.

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5 Amazing Motivational Quotes on Success to drive you to a power-packed Start, Crafted to drive you to act now.

August 20, 2021

Motivational quotes to push you to Success

We all need a little push. A little nudge to push us ahead.

Okay, You don't need one. Share this post with someone who needs it.

Read it and see if it works. I think these quotes will get them thinking.

Words have Power whether you know or not (and it is not magic).

It is the way things are, We process ideas and we understand symbols as human beings.

One may think that we all have different aims and goals; how would these quotes be relevant to everyone.

Isn't everyone different? Yes, we are all different and it is good thing. But there is one thing that connects us all our Humanity.

As Humans we yearn for something that drive us and keeps us hopeful and positive, we could call that motivation (at least colloquially).

Importance of Taking Action

But before I share it, Let me remind you of some reasons you may want to take action on your goals.

I am not perfect and I procrastinate as well. Yes, I do and I strive to be better.

I don't want to pretend like I got it all sorted, I don't. 

So here are some reasons I am sharing, You could check this post if you would like to read about them in detail.

Reason #1 You Deserve it
Reason #2 It may be valuable to others
Reason #3 It is not Selfish

There are more reasons as well, I would encourage you to share it on my FB Page.

It will be a nice discussion, See you there.

Now Let us take a serious look at some of these Quotes.

Taking Action Quotes

I have handpicked these quotes that resonate with me.

I believe it summarizes what it means to take action.

I think taking small steps is more important than not working at your dreams.

Your actions don't need to be perfect, it needs to be in the right direction.

Quote #1:  You don't need Luck

Quote #2:  The opportunity is now

Quote #3:  Have a vision

Quote #4:  Value yourself first

In Conclusion

I am sure you found these quotes interesting. I also know that you would be having a different take on each of them.

My aim is not to be pushy but to encourage you. Each one of us have a unique situation.

But we all need encouragement. I hope you found this post interesting.

Catch you in the next post. Do join me on my FB page to discuss these quotes.


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