4 Blogging sites that inspire me


Resources that have helped on my Blogging journey


As a Blogger there are blogs that have been quite an inspiration to me. I love topics related to Self-help, Web technologies and blogging. 

I would say learning and sharing what you learn teaches you more than you can imagine. It helps us assimilate what we have learnt and it brings out some useful insights whilst we sharing what we learn.

People react to our sharing, they add more information and we grow together. Sometimes it may also help learn new perspectives about what we learnt.

These blogs that I am sharing have helped me Tremendously to be a better Blogger and Educator.

4 Blogging sites that inspire me:

1. Zen Habits

Zen Habits is started by Leo Babauta. He shares free content around improving Life and also has a couple of courses. I like the commitment to sharing ideas and insights regularly and completely 'Free'.

2. Tiny Buddha

Tiny Buddha is another great blog for Life Hacks. It was one of the first blogs that inspired to write on Life and what I love Marketing.

3. Shoutmeloud

This blog is phenomenal for New Bloggers. Harsh can help you with the entire business of blogging. He has great resources and I highly recommend this group.

4. Seth Godin

He is one of my favourite Marketeers. I share the same view of Marketing. He has great resources and a wonderful Podcast Akimbo.

I hope these Blogs inspire you too.

See you in the Next Post



Republished from gumroad.com/chriseducator, Oct 7,2020

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